SpaLevel-R™ Logo

A Solid, Custom Built, Secure Base for Your hot tub!

My Story

DYMECO LLC is owned and operated by Mike Wegner.

I ordered my hot tub after months of research spent deciding on the one that would be perfect to meet my needs. After it was delivered and set up on my poured concrete patio, I expected to begin to enjoy its use. Unfortunately, I discovered that due to the slope of the concrete patio, the hot tub was not operational. It became necessary to constantly add water after using it to insure the jets remained covered with water. I contacted the spa retailer for help. One of their suggestions was to tear up the existing patio and install a new concrete pad with no slope to accomodate the hot tub. Due to cost considerations, I did not consider this a viable option. Their other suggestion was to use cedar wood shims to address the problem. I decided to try this method. As you can see, the shims and the base of the hot tub began to rot.

I discussed my problem with others and found they too had similar issues. When I discovered that no product like this was available, I designed and built the Spa Level-R™.


Many retailers suggest using cedar wood shims to address the problem of leveling a hot tub. As you can see, this hot tub was originally leveled in that manner. After only two years, the shims and the wood base of the hot tub started to rot.

Spa with the Spa Level-R™

This same hot tub now sits on a Spa Level-R™. See how clean and neat this looks? No more rotten wood shims and water mess.

(716) 864-2271